



MERRY X'MASS!!!!!!!!!!(photo only^^)

first,there have a little toy wanna say hai! HAI!

after that,there have a big ring dong!

this can't be lost when x;mas come!

the main character coming!








換而之,取代那卡帶裡夾著晶片的東西就是那SONY公司研發的SONY PLAYSTATION1(PS1)第一代,那時是CD剛發明而且很猖狂,因為人類的好奇心很重,理所當然的每個人的家至少會有一張CD,SONY公司的研發引起眾人的注意,PS1一開始發售,很多少年,家長紛紛的為家裡添了一架,一點都不出奇,這就是人類的作風。CD研發商更開心,盜賊更聰明利用時機……




各位,想想吧,最原始的為什麼會被淘汰,是不是他們真的滿足不到你們的需求?還是他們不夠high class????????



i have just renew my playlist and my blog, check it out~

i had just wrote two story for halloween~ tomorrow will post out~

i will stop my blog life style for 3 month~ take note

And i hove nothing to say

that's all~ good night~


get problem?

huh? what problem I had meet? Actually that is a small problem.......

want me show out what is my problem?
sure I will show it~ but before that...... I want ask myself~
Is it I show out the problem... I can solve it?

1.my exam....
- BM:C
- BI:C
- History:PASS
- PDG: C
- BC:B
- Moral:A
how bad is it?
the conclusion is on your hand

- got one idiot always comment on my status and always said that his phone is the best..... his computer is the best best best! hey guy... it depends on the user! if you feel that the thing is the best then i have nothing to say.... I always feel that what I use is the best..... Cause it depends on the user

3. My dreams
- After serene share her story me i felt that why I can't success my dream?
hey girl, just like what she said, do what you need to do, work hard on your job, success is just beside you!

OK~ sharing is the best~
I love you sharing!!!!


dance and sing gathering have fun?

DNS= dance and sing gathering.....

continue form the lose or lost......

i lost my money....

i lost my face.....

i lost my change.....

i lost my phone memory.......

i lost my tution time......

i lost my time......

i lost my sound......

i lost my moral value......

i know the result without guessing
all the winner have fun
all the loser have nothing
but i can measure that.....

the loser will learn more thing then the winner

i learn it

i want to try it

i like the way to learn!

hui ying and me

all bekas and one junior

full ajk member and bekas



hahahahaha~ this few day i just buy a new phone for myself...... it a touchscren phone, need more careful for that, but it cost me RM700, the sale girl free me a screen protector, whatever it just a very cheap thing for everyone..... but it help me a lot!

nowadays i have no more credit beside me, it just left RM30, but for me it will be increasing if i have not spend it! but the problem is i can't! I will have a dinner at monday, is it i need to go for that?! before this i told them i will not support them and leave them alone,but now......

is it i lost it? yah... maybe i lose my money but never mind! money still can earn back! but now my face lost! I face is importance for everyone! Me too! who not for that?! I'm just a normal human being at the world! I can dicide for anything but i can't dicide for everything...... our life is just under god!

this is my new phone~ nokia 5530 xpress music

standed nokia logo

with pink colour sideline

full phone view!

with 3.5mega pix

i like this most! lucky the sale girl no charge me this!

after i buy this phone......
go home.......
mum:"why you buy this type of phone?!"

second day when my mum touch my phone....
mum:"so funny this phone!"
me:"yah! that is why i choose it"
mum:" can you do me a favour?"
mum:"help me shot my flower!"










第一章:you are my lover

[你将成为我们的一切… …]

笑,越笑越开心,他永远将成为我的,不属于他人,为我独有… …

音乐在我的屋子里飘,轻轻的,心情舒缓。我傻傻的对着她笑,她的表情依旧,我看了心酸。我把染上鲜血的衣服放在洗脸盆上,用水慢慢地冲洗着,清清的水被衣服上的鲜血污染了,我傻笑… …衣服洗完了,被污染的水流走了,我望着眼前的镜子,脸沾满鲜血的我很开心,心爱的人终于永远在我的身边了。

我从厕所里走出来,把已经洗干净的衣服拿出来晾干;我坐在笔记型电脑前打着我的小说,我把我今天所做的东西写在我小说里,我越写越开心,越写越入神,就连有人来找我都不知道,主编来找我拿稿,当我写得真精彩时才来拿稿,欠打。我黑着脸,把一大堆稿丢给他,王八他,打扰我写稿,没死过?我从我的外套里拿出刀,用力一捅,刀子插在他的肚腩的右下角,我微笑,我大声的笑,我把他拖进我的研究室里,用手术刀用力一割,他的肚腩里的东西全被我拿了出来,我把它放在实验瓶里,当作战利品,我慢慢嚼着,欣赏着我的战利品,他永远都是那么美的,我的战利品… …

明天是我发表我的新书的好日子,我穿着我的西装,拥有我心爱的女人的血的西装,再发表会上,我很开心,我的女人当了书中的女主角,她愿意为我牺生,我也会留给他好的东西,心爱的,你开心吗?你当了女主角,你开心吗?一定很开心吧,别人要都没有,你是我的第一个,第一个女主角… …you must know it, my girl, you is my angle, always is my lover, never change… …


update! update! update!

Already many month no update my blog, what make this happen? later you will know what is the story~

Feel very sad this few month, no only sad, that is very very very sad, ask me why? it a very very long story to tell~ gosh~ when i think back the story, i want kill the person who make me very angry~

1st thing happen:
this almost happen every month
some virus attack my computer, pendrive, and my phone memory card....... i take my computer to format(it got connection,my pendrive and phone memory card nearly spoil~^w^)after format, my com is come back form the "hospital", i use it for three days, it's attack by virus again when i using pps to watch my drama, the screen suddenly  black in colour, i feel very scare! i format it for rm50, now i need to pay more rm50 for my com? no way, but by the way, my friend no charge me the money, i put down the storm...... after second time format, my com harddisce upgrade, i use that for 3 week, it spoil again~ WTF! i feel very angry and disappointed, i want throw it, i want spoil it into half, i want it disappear in front of my eye..... but i cant do that cause my sister need to use it...... no choice, i made my com well now, hope it will no happen anything till the end of this year.....

2nd thing happen:
my friend send me a massege, SEMAK PLKN (IC NO>) to 15888, she call me to check it out, yah i did that, the result is: tahniah! anda telah dipilih untuk menyetai PLKN kuml 3 siri 8/2010........
my first respond! what the fuck! i scold it out in front of my history teacher, i feel very angry! i hate to join this type of thing, if i no forget, last time i go for BSM camp tutti for four day, i come back with sick and whole body gatal~ seriously! i have skin sensitive problem since i born...... now thinking what method i can use to let-off this stupid NS

3th thing happen:
my phone drop from my table...... the phone's body spoil....... it's alright, but few day ago, i realize that my phone cant hear,3g cant use, screen run of the colour when i slide up my phone......it happen again...... ribben got something happen~ hate it men, after that i invited my bigger sister to join me to find a new phone for myself....... firstly i saw nokia 7230, it ok ok lo.... after that my sister take a phone to see, nokia 5530xm touchscreen...... actually i like it, it same like 5800xm,it a second generation of 5800xm also can say that is the mini version of 5800..... now stilll do some planing for money..... hope i can buy the phone soon~

it very night, a rainning night, it's good for everyone to sleep.... very good night~ 


broga hill trip!!!!!

now feel painful at whole body but i feel very happy for that, cause this is my first time to there, they are fast action untill i can't follow them, but good,my friend, they waited me, when i rest they will rest, when i run they also run. feel good!

this is all picture i have, some at friend there, but they will upload soon, so excited about that,hope can see that soon! in this trip i learnt so many thing, work together, help each ohter, careless, love, and........................... now is night, is time to sleep.!












school re-open

now school are re-open,i'm old, pengetua still no come,penolong too......the stupid teacher always say this beside my ear!"hey guy! this year already form 5! please be prepare for your SPM!"i hate this word!

now wanna plan to make a dedication, lucky biscut, now just wait my sister send the biscut to me on this week! i hope my plan can come true, the teacher will use another eyes to see me, whatever i done on last just to make the chinese club more batter!

homework be come more, teacher always come! last year teacher always don't want come to our class! why now different?just because the spm?but i still happy because i get a good teacher.that was my history teacher,pn.syamala

"you want continue take your seni? if want please tell me as fast as pasible."my seni teacher said, until now i still no give the answer to the teacher, i must think before i make a dicision!

i feel that school was no fair! why first and second class can get the tecnich answer the question paper, why last class no have?! whatever we were last class but we still human! what the stuid stuff? why so no fair? what the f...

now was late i still writing my blog, tomorrow still need to school , my homework still no finish yet! what the f...


2010! what i had been done on 2009!

what i had been done on 2009? Em...
JAN:-open school and know what class i study(sci class)
        -the class no good for me, change class in process( act class)
FED:-chinese new year, just only won rm20, eat stimbol, balik kampung.....
        -finish chinese new year, started my 1st class on 4 nilam
        -EXAM! monthly test
MAC:-study and exam
         -scold my chinese club member!
         -make activity
MAY:-holiday for half month,go camp
JUN:-go back school ,exam(half year test)
JULY:-study, school off
OGS:-monthly test,study
OCT:always ponteng class, chil whit my classmate,get high on hallowen,join koperasi
NOV:final exam, ponteng school
DEC:-off school and hang out with my big sister,countdown for x'mas ,prepare for next year,countdown at house

this is what i done on 2009, just sleep, eat, school, off school, hang out with friend.....
that all what i had been done on 2009
i hope my new yaer will happen more new thing! 1st thing was i will sit for SPM!My target? no..... i no have target!